“I’m glad my youth minister pushed me to do TAPT! I want to get more involved in church now.”

“For a while I’ve felt like something is missing in my life. I now realize it was God. TAPT helped me find that something I was searching for, and I’ve been much happier ever since!”

“Through attending TAPT my faith has grown in a huge way. I have become closer to God and I am ready to take my faith to the next level.”

“TAPT helped me to see Christ in everything.”

“Went to TAPT one person and came back a completely different and better person. Thank you to all of the new friends I made!”

“I’ve never in my life felt better than I did after Reconciliation Saturday night. I used to think church stuff was, you know separate from the rest of my life, but on TAPT I began to understand that Jesus is with me always. Thank you, (small group leader and Peer Minister)!”

“TAPT really made me think about and reflect on my relationships and values.”

“I love how I never felt alone even though I was the only one from my parish.”

“TAPT changed me personally in every aspect of my life. And if it can do that for me, it can most certainly do that for everyone.”

“TAPT will help you to see God’s truth, even if it is difficult to understand.”

“TAPT helped me show others that I am Catholic and that I’m not afraid to live my faith outside of TAPT anymore. I’m not scared to post on Instagram or Twitter and show everyone that I love God and this is my faith!”

“I liked meeting other people, letting other people know about me, and feeling accepted into other people’s lives.”

“I want to be able to touch others’ lives in the same way that my life has been touched.”

“Being a leader at TAPT definitely made me feel more able to live my faith, and more confident in my leadership abilities.”

“I went because my friend dragged me along, but I didn’t think I would like a church event. Boy was I wrong! Words can’t describe it. Just go!”

“I liked meeting fellow Catholic teens who were as involved with the faith as I am and who want to know God better. I made some friends that weekend and was pleased to know they shared some of the same views on the world that I do.”

“I met so many new people, and made some awesome friends. I’m so glad I went to TAPT.”

“All you have to do is let yourself go and you to can grow like crazy. TAPT is the best place in the world to give your heart to God and let him open your ears and eyes to how amazing the world really is.”

“TAPT helps you learn more about your faith; it helps you find your calling.”

“I feel 100% closer to Jesus…I only wish I did TAPT sooner.”

“I loved our small group time because we got to open up. I’d never really done that before, not about God that is.”

“From the opening song ’til the closing…I loved every second of it.”

“Like (the speaker) said, ‘I’m proud to be Catholic!’

“I met a lot of young people from across the diocese who share the same ideas and thoughts as I do about our faith and life in general.”

“It’s a life-changing experience. It taught me to grow in my faith. I want (other teens) to have the same experience.”

“What can I say? Moving, life-changing, emotional, awakening, unexplainable.”

“TAPT is fun, with the dancing, and the hikes, and just talking at meal times, but it’s also much more. There are other teenagers like me who want to get to know God better but we just haven’t had a chance. TAPT gave me that chance.”

“The retreat gives teens an opportunity for not only an encounter, but to meet other teens who are also there willingly and love God just as much as them.”

“TAPT has made me more aware of what I say to people or about people. I try to be more like Jesus for the people around me.”

* Quotes are taken from TAPT evaluations, as well as from miscellaneous correspondence (email, letters) with the Office for Youth & Young Adults.